He called be bridezilla. RAWR RAWR RAWR!
Anyway, it obviously does not matter because it's my wedding anyhow. Yes, I admit it. I can so totally be a control freak. And up until this point, I don't think I am a bridezilla. Yet. But honestly speaking, I understand how it happens. Planning a wedding is stressful. And honestly, every woman, bride-to-be or not, has latent bridezilla tendencies. So like what's wrong with wanting it to be perfect?
Ugh. Self-absorbed MCP.
Praise the lord the husband-to-be is not groomzilla. Triple RAWR again.
So the internet connection at home is like going crazy. Again. Without warning it just disconnects. And it is killing me. I have so much wedding planning to do.
Uh yeah. Brides-to-be. Do the bridezilla quiz.
so? did you get bridezilla after all?
I got the Hopeless Romantic option. *dies*
Not bad for a girl who wants to just elope to save money. :D
The gemini in me took a wild stab at it. I'm a Bridezilla-in-training. Ho ho ho! But you do know that it's half true...
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