Today, the consultant and I were in the Pudu area to check on our invitation cards. Pudu Plaza was a few minutes by foot from the printer so we decided to pop in to take a look at DSLR cameras.

Now, if you've never heard of or been to Plaza Pudu, in America, it would be known as the mall where the white people used to shop. If you've never been there, you're not missing much in the retail scene. The anchor tenant there is The Store. You get the picture. The directory in the mall was not much of help so we approached a security guard (who looked like he was short of half a chromosome) for directions. He mumbled something inaudible and pointed out directions.
Not convinced with his directions, we walked around a while more and came to a "hair and beauty equipment center" (quoting from the name card). I stepped into the shop with the intention of enquiring about directions. Not only did I get directions to the camera shop, I ended up with a hair styling product (hey, my hair really needs help with volume!) and audio literature on Liao-Fan's four lessons. Ok, so the security guard's directions were quite accurate.
The visit to the camera shop did not help much in convincing us which camera to buy. It's still a toss between the Nikon and the Canon. I think it's coming close to personal preference. Ultimately, it's not about the bike.
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